Workshop Building Full Stack Dapps on Ethereum by Nader Dabit

Workshop Building Full Stack Dapps on Ethereum by Nader Dabit

Nader Dabit is providing a full-day workshop on Building Full Stack Dapps on Ethereum with React, Solidity and Polygon in-person in Amsterdam during React Conference Live.

📍Amsterdam (in-person) 🗓️ Saturday 2 April, 2022 🔗 👉 Full Day earlybird tickets at only €399

In this workshop, you'll learn how to build, deploy, and test out a full-stack NFT marketplace on Ethereum. We'll also look at how to deploy to Polygon.

One thing that has become apparent over the past few months is how quickly Ethereum scaling solutions like Polygon, Arbitrum, and Optimism are gaining momentum and adoption. These technologies enable developers to build the same applications they would directly on Ethereum with the added benefits of lower gas costs and faster transaction speeds among other things.

Because of the value proposition that these solutions offer combined with the general lack of existing content, I will be building out various example projects and tutorials for full-stack applications using these various Ethereum scaling solutions, starting with this one on Polygon.

Prerequisites To be successful in this guide, you must have the following:

  • Node.js installed on your machine
  • Metamask wallet extension installed as a browser extensionThe stack

In this workshop, we will build out a full stack application using:

  • Web application framework - Next.js
  • Solidity development environment - Hardhat
  • File Storage - IPFS
  • Ethereum Web Client Library - Ethers.js

Though it will not be part of this workshop, we will look at how to build a more robust API layer using The Graph Protocol to get around limitations in the data access patterns provided by the native blockchain layer.

About the Project The project that we will be building will be Metaverse Marketplace - a digital marketplace.